In Computer Vision, The Azriel Rosenfeld Award, or Azriel Rosenfeld Life Time Achievement Award was established at ICCV 2007 in Rio de Janeiro to honor outstanding researchers who are recognized as making significant contributions to the field of Computer Vision over longtime careers. This award is in memory of the late computer scientist and mathematician Prof. Azriel Rosenfeld.
The first Azriel Rosenfeld Award was presented in 2007 at the ICCV in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Takeo Kanade.
The second Azriel Rosenfeld Award was presented in 2009 at the ICCV in Kyoto Japan, to Berthold K.P. Horn.
The third Azriel Rosenfeld Award was presented in 2011 at the ICCV in Barcelona, Spain, to Thomas Huang.